Sanctions target Iran's steel industry following attack on Israel

| Security

Sanctions target Iran's steel industry following attack on Israel

The US sanctions target five companies for providing components for steel production or purchasing finished steel products on behalf of Iran's Khuzestan Steel Company.

Iran's drone program targeted in response to unprecedented attack on Israel

| Security

Iran's drone program targeted in response to unprecedented attack on Israel

The latest US sanctions target individuals and entities that enable Iran's UAV production, including engine types that power its Shahed drones.

Iran's intentions to escalate Middle East conflict are met with US warnings

| Security

Iran's intentions to escalate Middle East conflict are met with US warnings

Iran's 'reckless' attack on Israel and its threats to escalate could lead to a wider regional war, one in which the Iranian regime would suffer greatly, the US military warns.

US transfers seized Iranian weapons to Ukrainian forces

| Security

US transfers seized Iranian weapons to Ukrainian forces

US and partner naval forces seized the munitions from four separate vessels that were smuggling arms from Iran to the Houthis in Yemen.

Jordan spearheads regional effort to curb drug smuggling

| Security

Jordan spearheads regional effort to curb drug smuggling

The kingdom has been heading up a regional effort to combat cross-border drug smuggling as it continues to thwart infiltration from Syria.

Houthis' continued Red Sea attacks imperil global economy

| Security

Houthis' continued Red Sea attacks imperil global economy

The fallout from the Iran-backed group's attacks on commercial vessels is having a far-reaching negative impact on the global economy.

Iranian weapons smuggled to Houthis stoke group's Red Sea attacks

| Security

Iranian weapons smuggled to Houthis stoke group's Red Sea attacks

In recent years, the United States and its partners have interdicted close to 20 Iranian smuggling vessels carrying lethal aid to the Houthis.

Lebanese civilians say Hizbullah's encroaching arms depots make them nervous

| Security

Lebanese civilians say Hizbullah's encroaching arms depots make them nervous

Residents of Hizbullah-dominated areas say they do not feel safe amid mysterious explosions that point to the presence of ammunition depots.

Fresh evidence proves Iran behind Houthi aggression in Red Sea

| Security

Fresh evidence proves Iran behind Houthi aggression in Red Sea

The Iran-backed Houthis have turned the Galaxy Leader into an event site to organize fanfare and garner attention, say Yemeni experts.

US conducts strikes in Iraq, Syria in retaliation for deadly attack on its forces in Jordan

| Security

US conducts strikes in Iraq, Syria in retaliation for deadly attack on its forces in Jordan

These strikes come as a response to the latest attacks conducted by these militias on US troops in a base in Jordan where three service members were killed and dozens injured.