Costs rise, humanitarian situation worsens in Yemen as Red Sea attacks continue

| Economy

Costs rise, humanitarian situation worsens in Yemen as Red Sea attacks continue

Shipments of food and fuel are being delayed as a consequence of the Houthis' Red Sea escalation, with the situation likely to deteriorate.

Wheat imports to famine-stricken Yemen disrupted by Houthis' attacks

| Economy

Wheat imports to famine-stricken Yemen disrupted by Houthis' attacks

The Houthis' targeting of cargo ships has led to a significant decrease in wheat imports to the southern Yemen ports of Aden and al-Mukalla in the midst of an escalating food crisis.

Iraq takes steps to boost dinar, curb dollar smuggling to Iran

| Economy

Iraq takes steps to boost dinar, curb dollar smuggling to Iran

Smugglers are abusing the Iraqi banking sector by acquiring US dollars in fraudulent ways to smuggle to Iran. Meanwhile, Iran's currency continues its freefall.

Capital flight, inflation, recession debilitate Iran's dire economy

| Economy

Capital flight, inflation, recession debilitate Iran's dire economy

Inflation is the highest it has been in 32 years, say analysts, who predict that protests over economic challenges will arise again and spread throughout the country.

On 9th anniversary of Iran-backed Houthis' coup, Yemen's troubles linger

| Economy

On 9th anniversary of Iran-backed Houthis' coup, Yemen's troubles linger

The ongoing war continues to cast a shadow on all aspects of life in Yemen, crippling the country's economy and curtailing crucial development activity.

State-ordered internet outages drive out Iranian startups

| Economy

State-ordered internet outages drive out Iranian startups

The Iranian regime's internet restrictions have crushed entrepreneurs and wrecked their businesses, forcing the country's talent into exile.