Iran's proxies in Yemen have broadcast forced confessions to spread disinformation about detained international and local NGO staff.

| Human Rights

Iran's proxies in Yemen have broadcast forced confessions to spread disinformation about detained international and local NGO staff.

Iran-aligned groups are forcing Iraqi elite forces to divert their attention away from their most essential task: preventing an ISIS resurgence.

| Security

Iran-aligned groups are forcing Iraqi elite forces to divert their attention away from their most essential task: preventing an ISIS resurgence.

An expansive support network facilitates the Iran-backed Houthis' illicit activities, which include hiding the origin of cargo and forging shipping documents.

| Terrorism

An expansive support network facilitates the Iran-backed Houthis' illicit activities, which include hiding the origin of cargo and forging shipping documents.

Top Houthi officials were in the front row at the event, which glorified Islamic Republic founder Ruhollah Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution.

| Politics

Top Houthi officials were in the front row at the event, which glorified Islamic Republic founder Ruhollah Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution.

Iran-aligned groups are forcing Iraqi elite forces to divert their attention away from their most essential task: preventing an ISIS resurgence.

| Security

Anger in Baghdad at Iran-linked attacks on KFC, US brands

Perpetrators linked to Iran-backed militia Kataib Hizbullah put Iraqi lives and the country's reputation at risk, Baghdad residents say.

Iran-aligned groups are forcing Iraqi elite forces to divert their attention away from their most essential task: preventing an ISIS resurgence.

| Security

Bonyan Danesh Shargh's leadership, business network hit with US sanctions

The private company is involved in the Iran-backed drone factory in Russia and partners with the IRGC Aerospace Force Self-Sufficiency Jihad Organization.

Do you think Esmail Qaani has inherited a role that he is prepared for following the death of the Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani?
