Crime & Justice

US offers $20 million for information on IRGC hitman Shahram Poursafi

Poursafi is believed to be working on behalf of the IRGC Quds Force to arrange the murder-for-hire of former US national security adviser.

The US State Department's Rewards for Justice program is offering a reward of up to $20 million for information leading to the arrest of IRGC mastermind Shahram Poursafi. [US Justice Department]
The US State Department's Rewards for Justice program is offering a reward of up to $20 million for information leading to the arrest of IRGC mastermind Shahram Poursafi. [US Justice Department]

By Pishtaz |

The United States is offering a reward of up to $20 million for information leading to the arrest or conviction of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) mastermind Shahram Poursafi for his role in an overseas assassination plot.

Poursafi, also known as Shahram Pursafi, Mehdi Rezayi and Shahin Pourbakhsh, is a uniformed member of the IRGC, the US State Department's Rewards for Justice (RFJ) program said September 26.

He is believed to be working on behalf of the IRGC Quds Force (IRGC-QF) to arrange the transnational murder-for-hire of former US National Security Adviser John Bolton.

From October 2021 to April 2022, Iran-based Poursafi attempted to hire criminal elements within the United States to murder Bolton in exchange for $300,000, the State Department said.

"Poursafi allegedly provided material support and resources to facilitate the attempted killing," it said in a statement.

"Poursafi told the potential assassin -- who actually became a confidential source for US investigators -- that once he completed the Bolton murder he would have a second assassination job for him," it added.

The US Justice Department unsealed a criminal complaint against Poursafi for his role in the alleged plot on August 5, 2022.

Poursafi remains at large abroad. He should be considered "armed and dangerous," the Justice Department said.

The US Treasury designated Poursafi as a terrorist on June 1, 2023, noting his involvement in the plot.

Global terror campaign

The Iranian regime has a long history of targeting dissidents living abroad.

Its global campaign of terror has killed some 360 individuals outside Iran since 1978, with assassinations taking place in 40 countries, according to a May 2020 State Department report.

Assassinations have been directed by the IRGC-QF and Iran's Ministry of Intelligence for the most part, as well as by proxies such as Lebanese Hizbullah, it said.

Since its inception in 1984, the RFJ program has paid out over $250 million to more than 125 people worldwide who provided actionable information that has helped resolve threats to US national security.

Information on Poursafi or associated individuals can be shared via Signal at +1-202-702-7843 or via the RFJ Tor-based tips-reporting channel: he5dybnt7sr6cm32xt77pazmtm65flqy6irivtflruqfc5ep7eiodiad.onion (TOR browser required).

"All information will be kept strictly confidential. Relocation may be available," per the reward announcement.

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Hello, my name is Ahmad Graham, Baba Shahin Mah; my colleagues and I want to ask you, what do you do with us? Do you all help? Just let Javad Ray know. I am waiting for the plague to come, helpers.

Oh, what could have happened, dear Shahram , I would have delivered it, and I would have taken the money. Shahram, I need the money man, and you are dying anyways.

Zionist Israel, a parentless, poor, homeless, irreligious, shameless, deceitful, baby-killing, woman-killing, sadistic, homosexual entity trapped in its own dungeons, terrified, beaten down, and a slave of imperialism, you are now known to the entire world, regardless of religion, sect, or beliefs, as to how low, ruthless, dishonorable, conscienceless, and foolish you are, and how deceptive. Your only solution is either committing suicide or fleeing and hiding in the sewers of the Arabs or your master America. The Iranian nation is not as idiotic, irreligious, and faithless as you, and is not homosexual. You know that if you don’t respond to Iran’s missiles, the world won’t even bother to care about you. And if you fire just one bullet or act foolishly, your fate will be sealed. Even if the Great Satan America and its allies come to your aid, you alone will be crushed under the feet of the powerful and mighty Iran like a cockroach. So, take care of essentials first, because the rest is just fleeting

This nonsense does not fly with Iran.
This is a sign of America's weakness and helplessness, and its cowardly act of terror only comes from America and its wild hound, Israel.
It turns out that Iranians are Muslims and terrorism is a big crime in Islam.
We Iranians have a man like Seyed Ali above us.
Not the headless bastards like Trump and the rest of the killers who murdered the innocent indigenous and real owners of America.

We are considering it.

I think I know exactly him in Tehran. I saw him with a fake name. I can help you in the southern neighborhoods of Tehran

Hello confidentially. We will build and settle and shelter the homeless from you. We become thirsty and hungry. The ancients planted trees so that we can use the fruit. So we must plant any type of fruit tree or strong and excellent trees, both of which bear fruit. Let us eat our own suffering. Let's taste it and... (but the cost is not worth the income) see if it is worth it. Ya Ali. There is as much labor and human power as you want, just...

It's very excellent.

You can’t make something out of nothing.