
Lebanese call on Hizbullah to stop putting them in danger, step back from war

Hizbullah's widespread presence among the civilian population puts people's lives at risk, as evidenced by exploding device incidents.

Lebanese army forces prepare to destroy a communication device in a controlled explosion on September 19, following deadly attacks with rigged devices in the preceding two days. [Rabih Daher/AFP]
Lebanese army forces prepare to destroy a communication device in a controlled explosion on September 19, following deadly attacks with rigged devices in the preceding two days. [Rabih Daher/AFP]

By Nohad Topalian |

BEIRUT -- In the aftermath of recent deadly pager and radio (walkie-talkie) explosions in Lebanon that unquestionably targeted Hizbullah elements, many Lebanese are calling on the Iranian regime-backed militia to pull back from an all-out war.

At least 32 people were killed and around 3,000 were injured when their personal communications devices exploded simultaneously on September 17 and 18, sparking fear and alarm across the already troubled country.

Lebanese citizens who spoke to Pishtaz stressed that the Lebanese people do not want a war that would destroy the country and ruin the future of its youth, and accused the party of making Lebanon a target.

They called on Hizbullah to stop acting as an Iranian lackey and to surrender its weapons to the Lebanese state.

"Hizbullah has been fighting for [the Iranian regime] and taking blows and losses," said Change Movement head Elie Mahfoud, noting that it was entirely predictable that the party would face some sort of repercussion.

"Why do we have to pay a price for [the actions of] other parties?" he asked, pointing out that Lebanese medics and hospitals are the ones treating the wounded.

It is essential that "Hizbullah stop all its military activities and no longer expose civilians to danger, since it is a target for the Israeli army," Mahfoud said.

The incidents have the potential to escalate the situation, and "must be a lesson to the party to stop taking chances in waging other people's wars in our territory [and] defending their causes," he said, as this could bring the war to Lebanon.

Hizbullah loses confidence

Mahfoud called on Hizbullah to "recognize the Lebanese law and constitution, hand over its weapons to the rightful authority and go back to being part of Lebanon."

It must respond to the Lebanese people's demands to defuse the prospect of war, and to stop the rumors and disinformation that only serve false agendas, he said.

One immediate repercussion of the incidents is a "decline in the confidence of Hizbullah's base in its strength and ability to handle any confrontation with Israel," said Lebanese Center for Research and Consulting director Hassan Qutb.

It raises questions about Hizbullah's responsibility for bringing Lebanon "into this asymmetrical military confrontation," he told Pishtaz.

"With Hizbullah's power undermined following the electronic explosions, the party will not be able to serve the Iranian effort," he said.

As a target for the Israeli army, Hizbullah puts civilians at risk, he added, and "should stop its military operations and its serving of false agendas that cause harm to the future of Lebanon and its youth."

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A bunch of unemployed people, or if they have a job, their salary is not more than 10 million. Is it possible to provide for 4 people who receive no subsidies?

Those who say things against Hezbollah are neither Iranian nor Lebanese, they are bootlickers of Zionists, whose job is to spread lies and discord; do not take their words seriously.

The infamous Israeli regime will be destroyed, you will soon see.

People should not become the playthings of an ambitious and self-willed group.

Iran's indifferent to its own people and spend for countries such as Lebanon; they spend money to do good and in the end they get burnt.

There are no more than two ways to live in this dirty world, either with dignity or with humiliation, both of which have their consequences.
Living with dignity will definitely be accompanied by hardships and there is a possibility of being killed on this path, but honor and pride comes at the end of it.
However, living with humiliation is a type of slavery that has been established in this current world in the form of modern slavery by many powerful countries via taking over the technology and pulse of other countries in a very skillful way; namely progress, prosperity, freedom and tyranny. Death definitely comes to people, but there is a huge difference between these two ways of dying.

You Zionists are done, and with these tricks you cannot dissuade people from supporting Hezbollah....We are all defenders of Hezbollah and death to Israel and America.

I always ask myself - where are the people of Lebanon, especially the elites and thinkers of this country? Have they fallen asleep!? How did they allow the bride of the Middle East to sink into blood and destruction and into the hands of a handful of professional criminals who fight to promote themselves and not for any other value? It is true that Nasrallah's people are armed and kill easily without any mercy, but death is an event that does not determine how it comes to us. During the Corona spread, loved ones who were in Iran's prisons survived much better than those who were afraid and stayed outside to avoid being imprisoned! I was in prison all the years of the 2010s until the end of 2022 for participating in the uprisings of 2009 and 2018 respectively. Among friends and acquaintances, we had someone who was a very conservative youth. He didn't drink mineral water, he said it might not be mineral water! He was the first person in the family to be infected with Corona at the age of 32!! Do not be afraid, no one dies so easily. Die, but don't surrender to a bunch of unscrupulous ones.

Death to Israel and their bastard puppets

Dear brother or sister, the above opinion is definitely not the opinion of the Lebanese people, but the opinion of the parties and groups opposing Hezbollah. Don't be fooled by such demagogues.. How can you say that Nasrallah's people are killing people without any mercy.. Hezbollah is a group that rose up based on Sharia standards to defend the honor, religion and dignity of the Palestinian people. You don't see the killing and child killing of Israel and other criminals in the whole world, but you judge them like this? Maybe you also have a reason for participating in the protests of 2009 and 2007, but most of those who participated in those protests were definitely led from outside the country. Just to disrupt the order and security of our dear country.. God willing, you will be healthy..

Hezbollah is victorious. God damn Israel, it will be destroyed, God willing.

Israel is nothing. There are four jerks in that child-killing regime that kills the weak people of Gaza and Lebanon from afar with missiles and bombs. Let’s fight face to face, you sucker. Netanyahu is scared of Iran like a dog and can't do anything at all. When Iraq attacked us, I fought against the superpower countries for 8 years with my bare hands.